Use Taxes

Use taxes ensure that all taxable goods and services, particularly from out-of-state or online purchases, are taxed appropriately within a jurisdiction. For Georgia local governments, maintaining a robust use tax system is crucial for funding public services and infrastructure. LFBarnes Law partners with local governments to navigate the complexities of use tax law. The Firm provides legal guidance, develop compliance programs, and represent cities during audits to safeguard revenue and ensure equitable taxation.

Examples of Our Work

  1. Audit Defense for Use Tax Compliance: The Firm reviews purchase records, prepare documentation, and negotiate with state tax authorities to minimize financial impacts while ensuring compliance.

  2. Developing Use Tax Compliance Programs: The Firm implements tracking software, train staff, and offer legal guidance to enhance compliance and reduce audit risks.

  3. Advising on Use Tax Obligations for E-Commerce: The Firm analyzes sales data, identify states with significant use tax needs, and develop tailored compliance plans to manage clients' tax responsibilities effectively.